
Machine Learning in Production @ CMU

Find resources related to teaching and research on how to build, deploy, assure, and maintain software products with machine-learned models. These cover the entire lifecycle from a prototype ML model to an entire system deployed in production, not just models or notebooks. Covers also the responsible ML engineering of such systems (safety, security, fairness, transparency) and MLOps.*

All materials (book, slides, assignments, bibliography) are released under creative commons licenses. We hope that this fosters teaching and research on these topics.

Maintained by Christian Kaestner.

The Course

Fall 2024 website

We teach a 12-unit course at Carnegie Mellon University on this topic, open to undergraduates and graduate students. We expect some minimal machine learning background and some programming skills, but no prior software engineering research. The course is always offered in the spring semester and often also in the fall.

For a description of topics covered and course structure, see learning goals.

The Book

Online version

A book on these topics will be published by MIT Press later this year under a creative commons license. The complete online version of the book is available here.

Course topics overview

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

An (opinionated) annotated bibliography of academic papers in this space, covering a wide range of topics from research on testing to requirements to notebooks:

Open-Source ML Products

Awesome ML Products

A curated set of open source products that use machine learning. These are all end-user products that incorporate machine learning models, not libraries, research prototypes, or notebooks. We hope that this lists facilitates research on building products beyond the model-centric view of analyzing ML components: